
Installing Software for the IoT Club

Instructions on what to install and how to install necessary software for IoT Club. Also covers any troubleshooting that's needed in case problems arise.

Posted on Sat, Mar 4, 2023 Hardware Software IoT

Extracting Meanings of List of Words From A Website URL (Python Webscraping)

One day, I was preparing for the SAT, specifically the vocabulary. I wanted to memorize several hundred words (500 to be exact). However, a majority of the words I don’t know the meanings of, not even the roots of the words. But, when I tried to find the definitions, I had to look for the menings of the words one by one. To look for the meaning of words a hundred times by searching up the words a hundred times is very tedious. The general process is that I have to search up a word, click a link to a website, copy the definition and input it back to excel. Then I have to repeat the process all over again. If I can automate it, I can do it for as many as words as possible So, I had an idea. Why not put all the words in excel, input all those words into a python program, and the program will output the definitions of those words all at once? With this in mind, I created a function that takes a list of words, extracts the definitions, and puts all the definitions back into excel (Explained in more depth below). I encourage you to use this program or you can modify it as well.

Posted on Mon, Jul 25, 2022 Python Software

Controlling LEDs By Changing Analog Input Values

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could move something, change something, create something just by giving inputs using python programming? This concept can be seen in our daily lives. For example, a keyboard can change values on a screen, a mouse can move something on a screen. From changing a value of an LED to controlling a space shuttle, the possibilities of this simple concept can expand. Examples of this concept include controlling the TV by inputting values via a remote, controlling a rover on Mars by changing several input values from Earth. These may be extreme examples but essentially, the fundamentals of the concept remain the same. Based on this, I created a prototype and I documented it below.

Posted on Mon, Jul 18, 2022 Raspberry Pi Hardware Python Software

Simulating IPO Stock Data And Finding Optimal Entry/Exit Points

IPOs, or Initial Public Offerings is the process of offering shares of a previously private corporation to the public. On the first 30 days, IPOs have high volatility and therefore, it is difficult to make decisions on when to enter and exit a market, or even enter the market at all. Simple python formulas that can be easily scaled up can be used to find the optimal entry/exit points within a 30 day investment horizon. Optimal entry/exit points are periods within an investment horizon that give the highest profit.

Posted on Wed, Apr 20, 2022 Economics Python Software