Installing Software for the IoT Club

Posted on Sat, Mar 4, 2023 Hardware Software IoT

Install Arduino IDE

  1. Search Arduino IDE Download and click the link highlighted.
  2. You should see the following page and click the Download Option that fits to your OS and build.
  3. Open your file manager and run the arduino-ide .exe file.
  4. The installation of the Arduino IDE Setup will take some time (meaning 20 mins or so 😬).
  5. After installation process finishes, open the Arduino IDE. There will be dialogs to install device software. Install the following ones:
    1. Adafruit Industries LLC
    2. Arduino USB Driver (Two different publishers)
    3. Genuino UB Driver (Two different publishers)

Finally, your Arduino IDE is installed.

Installing Arduino-ESP 32 Support

  1. Search Espressif ESP32 Arduino IDE Support and click the highlighted link.
  2. Copy the Stable Release Link.
  3. In your Arduino IDE click File then Preferences and the following should pop up.
  4. Scroll down and click the icon next to “Additional boards manager URLs” and paste the link you copied earlier. Then click ok.
  5. Press Tools, then Board, then Boards Manager.
  6. Then type ESP and click install below “esp 32 by “Espressif Systems.”
  7. Once its installed you should be able to see the following in tools.